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I struggled in my younger days with a keen but constant and pure attachment, and would have struggled with it longer had not the sinking flame been extinguished by death - premature and bitter, but salutary. I should be glad to be able to say that I had always been entirely free from irregular desires, but I should lie if I did so.
Was I Trionfi the origin of today's common deck of playing cards? Possibly, and here is some evidence.
NEW: The complete English translation is now online!
The images shown here are from Bernard Quarich's edition of Works of The Italian Engravers of the Fifteenth Century, with introduction by G.W.Reid. Reid denies the credit for the Petrarch prints to Nicoletto da Modena and supports the authorship of Fra Filippo Lippi.
(download the complete version in text or rtf in Italian)
(download the complete tranlations in Word docs