Voglia mi sprona, Amor mi guida et scorge, Piacer mi tira, Usanza mi trasporta, Speranza mi lusinga et riconforta et la man destra al cor già stanco porge;
e 'l misero la prende, et non s'accorge di nostra cieca et disleale scorta: regnano i sensi, et la ragion è morta; de l'un vago desio l'altro risorge.
Vertute, Honor, Bellezza, atto gentile, dolci parole ai be' rami m'àn giunto ove soavemente il cor s'invesca.
Mille trecento ventisette, a punto su l'ora prima, il dí sesto d'aprile, nel laberinto intrai, né veggio ond'esca.
Desire drives me: Love sees and guides me, Pleasure draws me: Habit carries me on, Hope beguiles me, and he comforts me, and holds his hand out to my weary heart:
and the wretch takes it, and does not see how blind and disloyal is our guide: the senses reign, and reason is dead: from one errant desire another rises.
Virtue, Honour, Beauty, her gentle ways, and sweet words brought me among the branches where the heart's so gently caught.
Thirteen twenty-seven, at the beginning of the first hour, on the sixth day of April, I entered the labyrinth, and see no escape.