Vive faville uscian de' duo bei lumi ver' me sí dolcemente folgorando, et parte d'un cor saggio sospirando d'alta eloquentia sí soavi fiumi,
che pur il rimembrar par mi consumi qualor a quel dí torno, ripensando come venieno i miei spirti mancando al varïar de' suoi duri costumi.
L'alma, nudrita sempre in doglia e 'n pene ( quanto è 'l poder d'una prescritta usanza!), contra 'l doppio piacer sí 'nferma fue,
ch'al gusto sol del disusato bene, tremando or di paura or di speranza, d'abandonarme fu spesso entra due.
Living sparks issued towards me, sweetly glowing, from two lovely eyes, and sighing from her wise heart there came such gentle rivers of noble eloquence,
I seem to be consumed by that memory whenever I turn to it, recalling how I felt my spirits fainting at that variance to her harsh custom.
My soul, always nourished on grief and pain, (how great the power of a settled habit!) was so weakened by this double pleasure,
that merely tasting the unaccustomed joy, trembling now with fear, now with hope, between the two, it often sought to leave me.