Tempo era omai da trovar pace o triegua di tanta guerra, et erane in via forse, se non che' lieti passi indietro torse chi le disaguaglianze nostre adegua:
ché, come nebbia al vento si dilegua, cosí sua vita súbito trascorse quella che già co' begli occhi mi scorse, et or conven che col penser la segua.
Poco avev'a 'ndugiar, ché gli anni e 'l pelo cangiavano i costumi: onde sospetto non fôra il ragionar del mio mal seco.
Con che honesti sospiri l'avrei detto le mie lunghe fatiche, ch'or dal cielo vede, son certo, et duolsene anchor meco!
It was time now after such a war, to make a peace or truce: perhaps it was in the making, if he, who renders equal all that's unequal, had not turned back my happy footsteps:
as a mist is scattered by the wind, so her life suddenly was past, she who'd guided me with her lovely eyes, whom I must follow now in thought alone.
Peace would have happened soon, I, altering my manner with the years and my hair: and then no suspicion for her when I spoke of my pain.
I'd have talked with true sighs of my long trouble, that I'm certain now she sees from heaven, grieving with me still!