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In my prime I was blessed with a quick and active body, although not exceptionally strong; and while I do not lay claim to remarkable personal beauty, I was comely enough in my best days. I was possessed of a clear complexion, between light and dark, lively eyes, and for long years a keen vision, which however deserted me, contrary to my hopes, after I reached my sixtieth birthday, and forced me, to my great annoyance, to resort to glasses. Although I had previously enjoyed perfect health, old age brought with it the usual array of discomforts.
On the following pages are images I have been able to find of Petrarch and Laura. Of course they are portraits of the people in question, some more recent then others, and are probably not really what the people looked like. Unfortunatly I do not have information on the original sources, or copyright information of most of these images. Please contact me if you do.