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It pricks my conscience that I should be responsible in great part for fostering all these forms of literary madness, and should have misled others through myexample,---by no means the least of offences. I fear lest those laurel leaves, which in my eagerness I tore prematurely from the branch, may in a way be answerablefor the trouble. While, as many believe, they have been the means of bringing true dreams to me, they have caused in others a multitude of delusive visions, whichwere allowed to escape while all the world was asleep, through the ivory gates, into the autumnal air.
Call for Papers / Submitted Papers
I have found it somewhat more difficult to find papers on Petrarch on the Web then I first expected. Therefore this call for papers is rather unique as it will not be presented at a conference, and it will not be published in a journal. Instead it will be published on this website where hundreds of students come each day during the school year to research Petrarch. If anyone has any such papers please do send them to me and I will post them.
A list of known conferences regarding Petrarch is available for those looking to submit papers to journals or conferences.
Below are the papers which I have already collected. Where I was unable to get the author's permission to duplicate the paper on this site, only a link to their site is included.
You may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the PDF files. In all likelyhood this is already on your system.